09 February 2007

Just for fun: Random things from Mexico City


This video is kinda bad, it was taken at night but it's something I just had to share. I've been here almost a month and still I laugh everytime we see them...The green man that tells you to walk actually moves here!:


I bought an In Style magazine yesterday....just because it's an In Style, In Spanish.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


And last, but most definately not least:

There is a group of 20-somethings that stand in front of the Palace of Fine Arts giving out free hugs. The first time I saw it, I almost cried mostly because it reminds me so much of my friends. This is something Stephanie and I would have done when we were younger, I'm sure. Actually, to be completely honest, I cried when I watched this video (it's not mine)


  1. So, this has nothing to do with your post, but I just wanted to let you know that I changed my bday dinner to the weekend before, so it's now in Feb! haha it works out better anyway. My friend Winona will be in town (we're going to Disneyland the day after). Plus, my friend Jessica's having her bachelorette party on the day I was originally planning to have my birthday. Two events in one day??

  2. Heyy! Guess what? I was just in Mexico! (Tijuana) for ONE HOUR the other day with my cousin and some friends. I bought this poncho thing for like $12. It's so sad seeing all those kids begging on the streets; I don't see that at all in Cuba. Um so anyway I leave on the 19th; I will call you sometime this week.

  3. that is something we would have done. we need to found an organization that performs little acts of kindness and does art projects that make people smile (green army men and quote mobiles)

